Our Founder
The Late Bishop Malverse Simpson
June 28, 1958 - July 4, 2021
A man of vision and integrity with a blessed word to encourage God’s people.
The Late Bishop Malverse Simpson is the founding pastor of the Spirit of Liberty Worship Center and the Presiding Prelate of Spirit-Led Ministries End Time Gathering in Roanoke, Va. Bishop Simpson is a native of Wilmington, Delaware. He pastored for over 30 years. He attended various schools of higher learning including Liberty University and Virginia Seminary and College. He received his Doctorate of Philosophy and Theology from Word of Life Theological Seminary.
The Late Bishop Simpson was an anointed and dynamic speaker. He believed in the power of the Word of God and living holy to ensure a life of victory in this present world. He carried this liberating message through several mediums. He was called to train leaders in the ministry to prepare them to serve the people of God with faithfulness and compassion.
He was the husband of Elect Lady Rosalind Simpson for over 30 years, who worked faithfully by his side in the ministry and the father of three daughters; Malvona, Nicole, Rashelle, and five grandchildren.